What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is an ancient natural non invasive modality that uses the application of pressure, typically via the fingertips or thumbs, to a series of reflex points on the soles of the feet (hands or ears.) These reflex points correspond to all the various organs and systems of our bodies, thereby creating a map of the human body on the feet. By stimulating these reflex points, we are encouraging those various organs and systems to “do their jobs” and return the body to its natural state.
In the East the philosophy behind Reflexology involves the blockage of energy (qi) as it flows along paths through the human body called meridians. The focus of reflexology then is to break up these blockages, hence why eastern style reflexology is a bit more “intense.”
Whereas in the West, the philospohy has more to do with the stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) often known as the “rest and digest” system. But the PNS is responsible not only for our digestive and sleep functions but also plays an active role in our immune functions, hormone regulation and many other critical systems in the human body! Not the least of which is providing counter balance to our sympathetic (“fight or flight”) nervous system.
At first glance these belief systems may seem contradictory but they are indeed complementary and cohesive when we look at the mind body connections of the human body as a whole.
What Reflexology is not
Reflexology is NOT a substitue for medical care. It should never be used as a replacement for a proper medical diagnosis or as a substitute for a prescribed medical treatment. Instead it is a complementary modality that will aid your body in its natural functions of healing and may bolster medical treatments you are receiving. It is not a cure for any disease or condition. It can however relieve and decrease stress as well as help you and your body “get out of its own way” when trying to recover from the things that may be ailing it.
Always seek medical care from a licensed physician for any new symptoms or unknown conditions.
Reflexology Protocols
Schedule Your Appointment
Please note: all sessions are by appointment only and same day availability is rare, so please book accordingly. When you book your appointment, be sure to give us your preferred method of contact so we can send you appointment reminders! Depending on how far in advance you book your appointment, we will send a reminder the day before your appointment. When choosing an appointment time, try to pick at a date and time where you will not have to rush out and head back to work or other obligations. This would be counter productive to the primary goal of reflexology which is of course relaxation!
The day of your appointment, please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment. While we understand life and traffic sometimes gets in the way, unfortunately appointments are often booked back to back so end times are rarely flexible.
Please wear loose fitting pants, capris or shorts to your session so that way we may access your calves, ankles and feet. No need to get a pedicure or dress your feet up! We see them in all shapes, sizes and as well as all states of health.
Be prepared to tell us about your health history or any changes to it since our last visit, however small, as this information may impact the safety of your session.
Please do not come to the session if you are ill or experiencing symptoms of a contagious illness such as the flu, cold or rash etc.
If you have any infections, open sores, broken or dislocated bones in your calves and/or feet, please contact us prior to your appointment to ensure it is safe to treat you.
Try not to eat a heavy meal or fill up on caffeine prior to your appointment. Depending on the length of your session you may want to use the washroom facilities prior to beginning the session, so leave appropriate time.
Client Receiving Reflexology
Upon your arrival we will take or review your health history. (This is not included in the “Refresher” and therefore this session is not available to first time clients.) We will then discuss your goals for today’s session and review any pertinent allergy information.
You will then lie on your back on the massage table or recline in a zero gravity chair (available to those with mobility issues that make the table unworkable). We will support you with an array of pillows and or blankets to ensure a comfortable resting position. You will remain fully clothed, except for your socks; however, we may push up the bottom of your pant legs to expose your calves/shins.
The session begins with a quick foot inspection (for injury/infections) and a gentle foot cleanse. From there we move on to the warm up. This includes rubbing and stretching the foot, heel and toes to increase circulation to the feet, and provide you and I time to acclimatize to each other.
We will then move onto the reflexology portion of the session. Each session involves working all the reflexes of the foot, as reflexology is a whole body therapy. We do NOT focus on only one or two areas to cater to a specific injury or illness. We may choose to spend extra time in areas of dysfunction depending on what your foot is telling us but we always treat the entire foot. How long we spend on each reflex depends on the length of your session as well as the health or dysfunction of each foot .
“Working each reflex” involves the application of pressure via the thumbs and fingertips, but is occasionally assisted with wooden reflexology tools. The session is typically not painful although areas of dysfunction may be tender or sensitive. It is your job during the session to let me know anytime you experience, tenderness, discomfort or any other sensations. But otherwise conversation should be kept to a minimum to help enhance the relaxation effect of the session.
Once the entire foot has been worked, we wrap up with a light massage of the calves, ankles and feet! How much time is spent on this also depends on which session package you pick. A quiet grounding occurs at the end to finish off the session!
Stretching and Water are Always Advisable!
After the session we encourage you to drink some water. Most people do not drink enough water these days and are in a state of dehydration. This will help with that. We also advise avoiding heavy meals, and alcohol immediately after the session as we don’t want to hamper all that we have acheived by taxing the body with extra work to rebalance. We also encourage you to do some light exercise / gentle movement after your session. Now this doesn’t mean run to the gym for some hard core weight training or aerobics! Some light stretching, yoga or tai chi or even a slow walk around the block or house is more than sufficient. This helps our lymphatic system to move around any waste products that may have been excreted during the session. It also prevents you from tightening up and keeps the circulation going! All of which will bolster the effects of the reflexology session!
After a session many people experience a variety of effects. These may include: more frequent urination, an increase in digestive noises or movements, a deep sense of relaxation, a sense of renewed vigour, some tenderness in areas that may have required more attention due to dysfunction and/or deposits, a better quality sleep and/or an improved mood. All of these are normal side effects to reflexology. However, if you experience any of these unlikely symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately: intense pain, difficulty breathing, chest pain or a racing heart beat, dizziness or confusion, numbness or tingling, blurred vision. Again all of these are extremely rare but should be investigated immediately and reported back to me at your earliest convenience.
I will send a follow up message within 48 hrs post session to see how you are feeling and to collect information for your file with regards to post session benefits, side effects and general impressions. This will allow us to determine what, if anything, needs to be changed, eliminated or added when we book the next appointment.
You can of course choose any time frame during which to receive your next reflexology session; however, it is not recommended to receive sessions within 48 hrs of one another as your body needs time to act on the stimulation and encouragement the session has provided. For maintenance of chronic conditions (diabetes, fibromyalgia, recurring headaches, anxiety or stress,) it is recommended to seek monthly sessions. For more pressing concerns (stressful time at work, bolstering immune function before a big event etc..) every 2-3 wks should be sufficient. Of course weekly self care, including reflexology, is something we highly recommend, whatever form that takes for you!